Gal Godot plays the role
perfectly. She is both strong and an innocent as we learn the origin of Wonder
Woman, Diana Prince. Her wide-eyed innocent is perfectly balanced with great
action scenes with classic comic book poses. Gal Godot is also a stunningly,
breathtakingly beautiful woman. She is perfect as the classic super hero
goddess. Gone are the hokey and silly special effects of the Wonder Woman TV
series. In its place is finally proof that DC movies have potential to become
really good. It is also fun to see Chris Pine play the reverse role that far
too many women have been relegated to playing. The cast is over-all
pretty good in set-up and execution even if the Amazons become a bit two
dimensional in depth.
Yes, the characters are not as
fleshed out as they could be. Yes, the movie is somewhat predictable. I had a
pretty good idea who would survive and who would turn out to be the big bad
pretty early on in the movie. Yes, the movie does depart the comic book story
line of Wonder Woman from the comic books which give us a pretty good idea that
Wonder Woman 2 is probably not going back to that story line again. The movie's
success also guarantees that there will be a Wonder Woman 2 and hopef ully will
open the door for more standalone female super heroes.
I liked the movie and highly
recommend it. I didn't really see much addition in seeing it in 3-D so you
might want to save the additional cost. I will buy the Blu-ray.