Now, many or the winners of Best Picture are not bad movies, but they aren't really noteworthy for altering or adding to the film making world. There is also a wide list of movies that didn't win and probably should have. I mean think about the fact that Rocky and Titanic won best picture. Both were box office juggernauts, but hardly anything that altered film making. I liked Rocky but was it best picture? Titanic was at its core a basic melodrama. As one critic I read put it, all Billy Zane needed was a moustache to twirl. Now I know that some films that went on to become classics really didn't find an audience until much later, and it would be unfair to point to them in hindsight as to what should have won best picture. It is just that popular and money maker does not equal best picture.

Then there was the lack of nomination for Tom Hanks. To this day, I cannot get the performance and shear
reality of the shock of Captain Phillips. It is Hanks that makes the film work. The name of the movie is Captain Phillips after all. How a movie can be nominated the character which is the driving force of the movie not be named is beyond me. I know, he has had his fair share of nominations. That doesn't mean you stop nominating someone because they turn in one stellar performance after another. It seems though, with the rare exception of Meryl Streep, it is something of a true statement. It was an oversight when he was over-looked for Cloud Atlas, and it is a huge one when he is over-looked for Captain Phillips. I cannot comment on Robert Redford not being nominated since I have not seen his movie, but from what I hear it was another over-sight.
The fact is the Oscar award is a product of Hollywood, and Hollywood is a business. While the oscars occasionally pick correctly, the business end still drives it. Redford pointed out just yesterday that it was clear his movie had not received the business promotion - the publicity - that would make it a mainstream contender. Like it or not, we can discuss who was included and who was over-looked, but the Oscar is about Hollywood's business and self celebration. It is not necissarily about extraordinary acting and filming first.
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