That said, the new addition is just an okay movie. Where the first movie had a dark edge and dark humor that permeated from most of the stories, A Dame for the Kill, while still having some of those moments, is often just violent. Where the first movie had stilted language and over-the-top delivery, A Dame for the Kill has the same stylized deliver but too often the dialog was not just stilted but incredibly trite.
The second movie also seems to contain plot lines that serve only weak purpose. It is not tight storytelling. I don't really get the point of the storyline involving the Senator and Johnny (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). There was also a story of the seduced cop (Christopher Meloni) and Ava (Eva Green), which seems to have only the purpose of showing how cruel Ava the film's femme fatale. Another storyline with little connection to the two main stories was the killing of evil "frat boys" by Marv. I kept feeling there was a link missing. Perhaps they were relying on the audience member's knowledge of the graphic novels. Unfortunately, I don't really have the knowledge.

There is nothing really new about the stylized special effects photography that was the one of the big attractions of the original. There are even a few places that it is even over-done. I suppose the biggest problem is that we have seen this movie before. There is nothing really new. It is also well deserved of its "R rating." It is violent and has no shortage of nudity. Overall, Sin City: A Dame for a Kill is only okay. Nothing really new to see.
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