
Sorry for the length, but I didn't have time to write a short blog.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

No Names Needed

I will just leave this here. 

A while back there was a discussion on TV about how social sites have added to our own narcissism, which is not the same as the personality disorder listed below. But it is true, to a degree, that social sites and their anonymity offers many the opportunity to believe their expertise is actually more than it is. There are also many folks who post divisive memes and statements that they would never do in person. I know a few folks who seemingly have completely different personalities online than they do in the real world. So while you may have one or two of these symptoms, you probably don't qualify as a full-blown narcissist. Sadly, if you do, you probably won't realize it.

I will let you draw your own conclusions if this reminds you of anyone. I remind you, I have listed no names of any specific person. 
From the Mayo Clinic (you can also find these same or similarly stated symptoms listed on any number of web sites.) 
"Narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:
  • Exaggerates own importance
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance
  • Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions
  • Requires constant attention and admiration from others
  • Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
  • Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals
  • Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
  • Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her
  • Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability, and humiliation

I am not a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health counselor...and yet...I get the feeling I've seen all of these symptoms and behaviors in someone...if I could just remember who...

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Remaining Sane During an Insane Time

How to Not Lose Your Sanity while being at home and spending your time online and remaining safe. These are in no particular order. I am also not an expert but I’ve been at home for several years and the days still fly by.

1. Turn off the news if it’s on all day. How do you stay informed?

a. Choose a single morning show on a major network such as NBC, CBS, of ABC. Watch that show.

b. Watch your local news in the evening and then if you want, national news on a major network.
Having the news esp. MSNBC, or Fox on all day every day, will drive you crazy and turn you into a fringe lunatic. Turn it off. This is actually a good idea even if you're not stuck at home, except I would also add, turn off Talk Radio too.

 If you watch a lot of TV – and I do – watch Amazon Prime, DVR program, Netflix, HBO, Stars. For older TV Programs like Red Skelton, Matlock, Murder She Wrote and Diagnosis Murder I also watch Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, COZI, LAFF, Comet, FETV, TUBI. What can I say? I love older TV shows. I also try and discover shows. Lately, I’ve become fascinated by the dubbed foreign language shows on Netflix like The Protector (Turkey), Ragnarök (Norway), Diablero (Mexico), Kingdom (South Korea), Luna Nera (Italy), and Better Than Us (Russia). These are just the tip of the iceberg.

Remember all those DVD’s you bought. Watch those.

What I am saying, is on TV leave the news especially the pundits behind and discover something new or something old.

2. Try to go outside every day if weather and health permits, even for just a little bit.
3. Read a book or write a journal or blog or have a project to do.

4. Go on Facebook and entertain your friends.

a. While you’re on Facebook, do me a favor. Unfollow every, single political - be they left or right - news site and every single organization that has a political agenda. I’ve unfollowed a bunch of them that I started out with. When they put up an agenda, and I don’t care if they are the NRA or Green Peace, they do not have your best interests at heart. This recommendation also includes MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, The Daily Wire, Mother Jones, The Western Journal, One America just to mention a few. If you really must follow a news site, follow REUTERS, the AP, BBC, NPR, The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. On the last two though, just don’t follow their opinion pages. If you want a little on-line opinion in your life, subscribe to The Flip Side which publishes both Left and Right Opinions on a topic every day and sends them to your inbox. Besides, they have a great little feature called “the Bright Side” which will lighten your day. As soon as I dumped the agenda-driven sites, I felt better.

b. Too many people are unduly influenced because they get their information from one source. This makes you uninformed. Even if it sounds good, it does not make it true.

c. When you are on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube and you see something that interests you, look it up. Social sites are a horrible place to get information, and you have the entire sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. By the way, when you search use neutral terms. And don’t tell me you haven’t the time. You are stuck at home!

d. If you become so engrained by one group, I guarantee folks are wondering things like, “What happened to so and so?” and “They used to be smarter.”

5. Clear the clutter online and in your house.

6. Exercise at least three times a week. Yes, I do. I actually do an elliptical trainer for at least 45 minutes 6 days a week.

7. Eat healthily. Your body is as important as your mind.

8. Take a nap.

9. Get something that challenges your mind. I do puzzles and am addicted to a coloring app on my phone.

10. Don’t do quizzes on Facebook. Since I stopped doing them, the number of spoofs to my accounts have virtually disappeared. Even the most innocuous quiz is a way for someone to find out things about you that may lead them to your passwords and other valuable information. Also never click on a link in an email or Facebook if you do not know for sure that it is from who it says it is. Invest in a separate virus program and firewall and keep it updated.

11. Enjoy a good snack. Sugar is not a good snack.

12. Stop and ask, “Does this make me happy?” If it doesn’t, stop doing it. I know that sounds like a statement of the obvious, but if something is making you mad be it a news site or a tv show, then you probably don’t need that in your life. I’m not saying you need to roam around wearing rose-colored lenses. I am saying doing that to yourself regularly will make you miserable.

Time will fly by and you don’t need to share your every thought and meal with everyone.

“It is best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I'm Not Asking These Questions, But I Have Answers

This is tinfoil hat stuff and is clearly politically motivated by far-right conspiracy theories. Below is the equivalent of a stupid meme that is created on Facebook by cut, paste, and reposts. It makes it no less stupid.

I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or vote for unicorns, if you're not asking these questions you should be....
1.     Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl's?
Walmart sells essentials such as food and medicine. Kohl’s does not.
2.     Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?
As near as I can find out, Dollar Store and similar stores sell essentials. Any mom and pop that also sell items considered essential are also allowed to remain open if they meet proper procedures for disinfecting and protecting people.
3.     Why can't you have elective surgery, but you can have an abortion which is elective?
Abortion is time-sensitive and also not necessarily elective. In fact, several major medical associations have asked that abortion be made essential.
4.     Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?
This is a myth. The virus can live on surfaces for up to 72 hours and in the air for up tt two or three hours. It does degrade faster in sunlight and heat.
5.     Why can't kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
Kids are at risk, do carry the virus and some have had been hospitalized with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease. Also, see the above.
6.     Why don't people know that these are "recommendations" not laws because they have not gone through due process?
The Supreme court has, in fact, ruled that during national emergencies local and Federal agencies have much broader powers to protect the citizens.
7.     Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, but not common citizens?
This question is simply ridiculous.
8.     Why the fear, when this virus has a less than 1% death rate?
The current death rate in the US is 5.8 percent and higher world-wide. All other math percentages are speculative.
9.     Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
What is the source for this question? In fact, one death that was ruled heart-failure has since been rechecked after the deceased’s wife tested positive. The death certificate was altered so that Covid 19 was a contributing factor. It also indicates that Covid was in the US early than originally thought. The only question that has arisen is whether it is a contributing factor.
10.  Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass vaccination?
Everyone is hoping for this and a few places are starting to run trials. Preparation is important. Again, this is clearly a divisive and politically motivated question.
11.  What makes one person essential and another not?
It all goes back to essential service. People who work for essential services are currently essential. Those who don’t aren’t.
12.  Doesn't shelter at home; mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can?
Honestly, this question is nonsense and deserves no thought or response.
13.  Why are they dividing us?
Who is they? Gotta love the mythical “they.” If the poster really doesn’t care “if you’re a democrat or a republican” ask what is clearly a political question.
14.  How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?
What does this question have to do with anything? For the record we are a constitutional republic where some decisions are made through representatives and others by democratic vote.
15.  Where has the flu gone?
Texas. Dumb question.
16.  Why do the homeless consistently demonstrate the lowest infection rates?
Another myth. In some homeless shelters over half the staff and half the residents tested positive.
17.  Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown?
Protection. Good lord, do some simple research.
18.  Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
See above.
19.  What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our us?
I cannot answer the stupidity involved in this question.
20.  Why have most other death rates dropped since the virus?
Source? At a guess, it’s probably because the majority of us get it and have not been out doing things that are stupid, and we are driving less.
21.  Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019?
Tin-foil hats are in the closet on the left.
22.  Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government?
Didn’t the poster just announce we are a republic?
23.  Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
This is true. Congress added 20 percent in the Medicare Care Act for covid diagnosis. There is no evidence, however, that hospitals are purposely misdiagnosing to pad the bill.
24.  Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
The only doctors I’ve seen are generally not qualified to speak on the subject and are not basing their observations on anything but anecdotes and not scientific studies. Some have been publicly condemned by their own organizations for their statements.
25.  Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars?
The original statement was actually 3.7 million, but in any case, the simple truth is Obama didn’t. What did happen was a grant was given by the National Institute of Health, a government organization, to an organization working with Wuhan Institute of Virology to study coronaviruses which also includes SARS in bats and the risk of potential transfer to humans. A grant that was renewed by the NIH again during the Trump administration. NIH has been giving out these grants since 2002
26.  What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion coronavirus vaccines?
I think the poster is referring to The Institute for Health Metrics which develops models to track the virus. There is some debate, but they have identified other issues in the past using unusual metrics to track medical problems. The requested money to develop their modeling computer programs to track the spread, something that every epidemiologist says needs to be done. To date, they have not received any more funding. I don't think anyone asked for 7 billion vaccines since there isn't a Covid-19 vaccine that exists. 
27.  Why ID 2020, Agenda 21 and 2030?
Rated a false claim by Snopes. Again, do some research.
28.  Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
I don’t know, maybe they needed people, after all, Trump fired the entire pandemic team.
29.  Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a " SUPRISE PANDEMIC " and then runs the pandemic team?
He was warning that we were not prepared. He runs the team because that has been his job. He has worked as a director in the health organization in the government since 1984 when he led the work on the AIDS epidemic.
30.  Why are they infringing on Christians religious freedoms?
Again, who are they? No one is infringing on freedom, what is being done is preventing large congregations of people from spreading the disease. A number of hotspots have been directly tied to church services in several states.
31.  Why can 500 people shop at Menards or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into a church building?
Again, it’s called social distancing or has the poster not seen the spacing and entrance control at essential service stores. Social distancing would be near impossible to do in a church building. Church services are simply being held in new ways. Belief is not in a building if you think it is, well, you get the idea of how shallow you sound.

I have, by the way, verified each of my answers. It took me less than 30 minutes to find the answers and a little more time to type them. So if you want the sources, you can Google them since if you’re posting this stuff, you aren’t verifying anything anyway.