
Sorry for the length, but I didn't have time to write a short blog.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Divisive Much?

Along the lines of stupid memes that I occasionally discuss, during this time of great problems like panic buying, economic turmoil and a possible rising death toll, posting political memes that deepen the divide are, quite honestly, unforgivable. It's the age-old problem that we've discussed before. Too many people have settled on getting their information from the political channels like Fox or MSNBC or from social media and never go out beyond their small bubbled comfort zone. They have, in effect, become brainwashed. (I will save that particular discussion for another day.)

What I find particularly sad is that these posters of the divisive don't even recognize the trap they've fallen into. They don't realize that they are not funny, just divisive and destructive.

Here is a couple such memes, I've seen today.

The goal is to help people not prop up extreme beliefs.

Adding a laughing face does not change that this meme is based not only on a disproven lie created possibly by Russian bots but also equates real deaths from a pandemic to this myth. And in case the poster didn't notice, there isn't a Clinton in an office right now.

Finally, I just wanted to add this one. It's not particularly divisive but as I would tell my literature students years ago, "There is always irony!"

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